Schedule of fees and levies

What you need to pay and when

Fees are payable for some transactions on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR), and we also collect levies on behalf of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). Financial service providers must pay fees to the Companies Office (including FMA levies) when they register, and when they complete their annual confirmations.

Paying fees and levies

All fees and levies are in New Zealand dollars (NZD). You can pay in a number of ways.

Financial Markets Authority levies

All levies are listed in Schedule 2 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012. These regulations were amended by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020 and more recently by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations 2022.

The information includes:

  • the types or classes of service provider — your class determines the levy you pay
  • the levies that apply to each class
  • which government agency collects the levies.

Refer to the legislation

Registration fees and levies

The registration fees and levies shown below came into effect on 1 July 2022.

Service Total
excl GST
incl GST
Application fee $300 $345
Criminal history check fee (per person) $9.56 $10.99
FMA levy $600 $690

Annual confirmation fees and levies

Companies Office fee

The annual confirmation fee is $75 (plus GST).

FMA levies

All registered financial service providers (FSPs) must pay FMA levies when they file their annual confirmations. The levies you pay depend on the services you provide. 

If you belong to more than one class, you must pay the levy for each class.

Some exemptions apply. In some classes, one member of a group of companies pays the levy for that class on behalf of the whole group. Check the notes to each class to find out where exemptions or group provisions apply.

Registered banks and non-bank deposit takers (NBDTs)

If required to be licensed in relation to the market service of acting as a financial institution

Class 2A of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 applies.

The amount you pay depends on the total assets of your bank or NBDT.

Total assets FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $50 billion $1,845,000 $2,121,750
Exceed $10 billion but not $50 billion $560,000 $644,000
Exceed $2 billion but not $10 billion $147,000 $169,050
Exceed $1 billion but not $2 billion $62,000 $71,300
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $22,600 $25,990
Exceed $40 million but not $500 million $11,600 $13,340
Not more than $40 million $3,320 $3,818

If not required to be licensed in relation to the market service of acting as a financial institution

Class 2 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 applies.

The amount you pay depends on the total assets of your bank or NBDT.

Total assets FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $50 billion $1,130,000 $1,299,500
Exceed $10 billion but not $50 billion $350,000 $402,500
Exceed $2 billion but not $10 billion $95,000 $109,250
Exceed $1 billion but not $2 billion $46,000 $52,900
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $17,000 $19,550
Exceed $40 million but not $500 million $10,500 $12,075
Not more than $40 million $3,000 $3,450

Related help guides

Licensed insurers

If required to be licensed in relation to the market service of acting as a financial institution

Class 3A of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 applies.

The amount you pay depends on your annual gross revenue from premiums (GPR).

Annual GPR FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $1 billion $675,000 $776,250
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $494,000 $568,100
Exceed $250 million but not $500 million $179,000 $205,850
Exceed $100 million but not $250 million $123,000 $141,450
Exceed $50 million but not $100 million $63,000 $72,450
Exceed $10 million but not $50 million $23,000 $26,450
Not more than $10 million $6,040 $6,946

If not required to be licensed in relation to the market service of acting as a financial institution

Class 3 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 applies.

The amount you pay depends on your annual gross revenue from premiums (GPR).

Annual GPR FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $1 billion $480,000 $552,000
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $370,000 $425,500
Exceed $250 million but not $500 million $136,000 $156,400
Exceed $100 million but not $250 million $94,000 $108,100
Exceed $50 million but not $100 million $50,000 $57,500
Exceed $10 million but not $50 million $20,000 $23,000
Not more than $10 million $5,200 $5,980

Licensed supervisors

Definition of licensed supervisors — that is, supervisors of debt securities and managed investment products — comes under Class 4 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

The amount you pay depends on the value of your total supervised interests.

Total supervised interests FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $5 billion $265,000 $304,750
Exceed $1 billion but not $5 billion $122,000 $140,300
Exceed $100 million but not $1 billion $39,000 $44,850
Not more than $100 million $12,000 $13,800

Managers of Managed Investment Schemes (MIS)

Definition of managers of Managed Investment Schemes comes under Class 5 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

The amount you pay depends on the value of the assets you manage.

Total managed assets FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $15 billion $670,000 $770,500
Exceed $10 billion but not $15 billion $565,000 $649,750
Exceed $5 billion but not $10 billion $400,000 $460,000
Exceed $2 billion but not $5 billion $205,000 $235,750
Exceed $1 billion but not $2 billion $130,000 $149,500
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $75,000 $86,250
Exceed $250 million but not $500 million $44,000 $50,600
Exceed $100 million but not $250 million $32,000 $36,800
Exceed $20 million but not $100 million $9,000 $10,350
Do not exceed $20 million $2,100 $2,415

Providers of other financial services

The regulations describe under Class 6 who must pay FMA levies and the services they pay for.

When you pay your levy, select all the options that apply to your services. You pay only for the service that attracts the highest levy.

Financial service FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Entities that undertake trading activities on licensed markets $8,300 $9,545
Contributory mortgage brokers $3,500 $4,025
Persons registered for the financial service on behalf of other people
(other than people included in class 6A, 6B, 6C or 6D)
$10,400 $11,960
Derivatives issuers $18,200 $20,930

If you're unsure which services apply to your FSP, check the regulations .

Discretionary Investment Management Services (DIMS)

Definition of DIMS retail providers comes under Class 6A of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

The amount you pay depends on the value of the funds you manage.

Funds under management FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Exceed $2 billion $90,000 $103,500
Exceed $1 billion but not $2 billion $45,000 $51,750
Exceed $500 million but not $1 billion $30,000 $34,500
Exceed $250 million but not $500 million $17,100 $19,665
Exceed $100 million but not $250 million $11,800 $13,570
Exceed $50 million but not $100 million $6,500 $7,475
Exceed $20 million but not $50 million $4,000 $4,600
Not more than $20 million $2,200 $2,530

Providers of regulated client money or property services

Definition of providers of regulated client money or property services comes under Class 6B of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Providers of regulated client money or property services $3,600 $4,140


Definition of custodians and persons providing custodial services comes under Class 6C of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

 Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Persons who act as custodians for authorised financial advisers $11,900 $13,685

Crowd-funding services and peer-to-peer lending services

Definition of crowd-funding and peer-to-peer lending services comes under Class 6D of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Persons who provide crowd-funding or peer-to-peer lending services $3,560 $4,094

Administrator of financial benchmarks

The definition of this service comes under Class 6E of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 (as amended by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020). 

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Administrators of financial benchmarks $22,000 $25,300

Authorised bodies

Definition of registered FSPs that are authorised bodies comes under Class 6F of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 (as amended by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020).

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Authorised bodies $880 $1,012 for each financial service

Financial advisers (FAs)

Definition of financial advisers comes under Class 6G of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 (as amended by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020).

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Financial advisers $400 $460

Financial advice providers (FAPs)

Definition of financial advice providers comes under Class 6H of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 (as amended by the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020).

The amount you pay also depends on the number of nominated representatives you have directly under you, or an authorised body operating under your licence.

Financial service
FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Licensed financial advice providers in their own right and/or paying for nominated representatives: $340, plus $391, plus
  a. for each nominated representative, nominated under section 431T of the FMC Act by the licensed financial advice provider; and $300 $345
  b. for each nominated representative, nominated under section 431T of the FMC Act by an authorised body to give financial advice $300 $345
  c. for each licensed financial advice provider who gives regulated financial advice on  own account under section 431D(1)(b) of the FMC Act $1,180 $1,357

If the financial service you're registered for is not listed

If your FSP doesn't belong to any of the classes from 2 to 6H listed above, then you come under Class 7 of the Financial Markets Authority (Levies) Regulations 2012 .

  FMA levy
excl GST
FMA levy
incl GST
Providers of financial services who are not included in any of classes 2 to 6H $660 $759